AJMS Jordan

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Jordan, strategically positioned in the heart of the Middle East, boasts a significant location advantage that shapes its business environment. In this discourse, we delve into the dynamics of the business sector in Jordan, examining both its favorable aspects and the challenges it presents to entrepreneurs and investors.

Importance of Jordan's Location:

Jordan’s geographical location serves as a vital conduit between the East and the West. Situated at the crossroads of Asia, Africa, and Europe, Jordan offers unparalleled access to regional markets, making it a pivotal hub for trade and commerce. Its proximity to major markets such as Saudi Arabia, Iraq, and Egypt enhances its significance as a gateway for businesses aiming to tap into the vast potential of the Middle East and beyond.

Business Environment in Jordan:

The business environment in Jordan is characterized by several factors conducive to investment and entrepreneurship. The country boasts a stable political climate, fostering an atmosphere of security and predictability for businesses. Furthermore, Jordan’s commitment to economic reforms and liberalization has created a business-friendly regulatory framework, encouraging both domestic and foreign investment.

Omar Samara

Managing Partner- AJMS Jordan


Dynamics of the Business Sector:

Jordan’s business sector is diverse and dynamic, comprising various industries ranging from technology and manufacturing to tourism and services. The country’s skilled workforce, coupled with its robust infrastructure, supports the growth of key sectors, driving innovation and competitiveness in the market. Additionally, initiatives such as special economic zones and investment incentives attract businesses, facilitating their establishment and expansion within the country.

Favorable Business Aspects:

Several factors contribute to Jordan’s attractiveness for businesses. The country’s strategic location, coupled with its free trade agreements with numerous countries, offers businesses access to a vast market network. Moreover, Jordan boasts a young, educated population, providing a skilled labor pool for businesses to leverage. Additionally, the government’s efforts to promote entrepreneurship and innovation through supportive policies and initiatives further enhance the business landscape.

Challenging Business Aspects:

Despite its many advantages, Jordan also faces certain challenges in its business environment. Economic dependence on external factors, regional instability, and bureaucratic hurdles can pose obstacles to business operations. Moreover, issues such as limited access to financing, regulatory complexities, and infrastructure constraints may hinder the growth and competitiveness of businesses in the country.


In summary, Jordan stands as a land of immense potential, blending its strategic location with a welcoming business atmosphere to offer a wealth of opportunities for entrepreneurs and investors alike. While the nation boasts key advantages like accessible markets, a skilled workforce, and supportive policies, it also faces challenges that demand proactive approaches and creative solutions. By adeptly addressing these factors, businesses can not only prosper but also play a pivotal role in fostering Jordan’s ongoing economic progress and advancement.

AJMS Global- Jordan​

As AJMS Global continues its strategic expansion throughout the region, it has chosen to inaugurate its operations in Jordan, aiming to cater to the business community with its comprehensive range of professional services. Distinct from conventional professional networks, AJMS Global Consulting stands out as a boutique consulting firm specializing in delivering tailored consulting solutions and product offerings in areas such as Tax, Risk, Compliance, IFRS advisory, and Digital Transformation Advisory. Guided by seasoned managing partners with extensive industry expertise, the firm currently maintains a presence in 10 countries, with its headquarters situated in the UAE. AJMS Global Consulting places a dual emphasis on both financial and non-financial sectors, encompassing entities such as Banks, Finance Companies, Insurance Companies, Investment and Leasing Companies, Money Exchange Companies, Real Estate, and Energy and Oil & Gas. Renowned for its adept team and comprehensive suite of services, AJMS is dedicated to providing clients with a compelling value proposition tailored to their unique needs.


Corporate Finance Service Offerings

Empowering Jordan's Family-Owned Businesses: AJMS Leads Governance and Succession Planning Initiatives

Similar to its counterparts in the MENA region, Jordan is characterized by a notably higher prevalence of family-owned businesses compared to other global regions. Over the past two decades, these enterprises have flourished, amassing considerable wealth. Nevertheless, the vast majority of family-owned businesses in the region continue to function as sole proprietorships, highlighting a critical need for governance and succession planning services. AJMS is committed to collaborating closely with founders and successive generations of family-owned businesses in Jordan, assisting them in restructuring their assets and leveraging their achievements for sustained prosperity.

Transaction Advisory

Transaction advisory involves providing strategic advice and support to clients during various stages of mergers, acquisitions, divestitures, and other corporate transactions. This type of advisory service aims to help clients navigate complex financial and operational challenges, optimize opportunities, and mitigate risks associated with transactions.

Public Private Partnerships (PPPs), Build, Operate and Transfer (BOT) services

As per OECD projections, infrastructure investments in the MENA region are expected to reach up to $100 billion annually over the next twenty years. Public-Private Partnerships (PPPs) and Build-Operate-Transfer (BOT) structures emerge as the predominant investment models. Both local and international investors emphasize the importance of expertise and relationships crucial for navigating these substantial projects with MENA governments. In 2017, the combined value of PPPs and BOTs in the top 13 MENA economies totaled $205.8 billion, with notable figures such as $42.9 billion in Saudi Arabia, $30.5 billion in Kuwait, $10.7 billion in Bahrain, and $2 billion in Jordan. AJMS stands poised to assist both the Jordanian Government and potential investors considering Jordan as their preferred investment destination.

Global Awards & Recognition

With a focus on financial sector including Banks, Finance Companies, Insurance Companies, Investment Companies and MTO’s, AJMS has developed a strong suite of products and services with the support of its highly experienced team to provide a strong value proposition for its clients.

With a focus on financial sector including Banks, Finance Companies, Insurance Companies, Investment Companies and MTO’s, AJMS has developed a strong suite of products and services with the support of its highly experienced team to provide a strong value proposition for its clients.

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