
Some of the challenges faced by the healthcare sector in the Gulf Cooperation Council (GCC) region include lack of healthcare workforce to meet the needs of the growing population, limited access to healthcare in rural areas, rising costs of healthcare, chronic diseases such as diabetes and heart disease, healthcare infrastructure in rural areas, stringent healthcare regulations, IT infrastructure not well-equipped with HER/EMR, etc.

Despite challenges, over the last ten years, the healthcare sector in the GCC region has undergone significant evolution. Some of the key developments include increased investment in new hospitals and clinics, and the expansion of existing facilities, improved healthcare infrastructure, greater emphasis on preventative care, development of telemedicine, increase in the number of healthcare professionals, greater focus on chronic diseases, expansion of private healthcare, increase in healthcare regulations, advancement in the field of medical tourism etc.

AJMS Group has deep knowledge of grassroot challenges as well as opportunities in the regional healthcare landscape and is fully capable to support in scaling, right sizing, technical sourcing, HMS and ERP deployment, support infrastructure and revenue optimization for healthcare business.

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Alok Bishnoi

Partner - Healthcare


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