Public Sector

While the MENA region has yet to achieve many a milestone in the modus operandi of government and public services, GCC is an exception to that in that this region has observed several important improvements to government and public sector operational models. One of the most important of those developments is digital Transformation to improve the efficiency and effectiveness of government services. Initiatives such as Smart City Development offer integration of technology and data analytics to improve the management of urban areas, such as transportation and infrastructure. In the developed countries such as the UAE, Public-Private Partnerships (PPPs) to deliver goods and services more efficiently and effectively has changed the way urban management is performed. Governments in GCC are investing in citizen engagement to increase transparency and accountability in government. With the introduction of both direct and indirect taxes, measures have been taken to reduce government spending and improve budget management in the face of lower oil prices and economic challenges. Governments are realizing the need to invest in education and training to develop a skilled workforce and improve the overall competitiveness of the economy. Programs such as Saudization, Emiratization and Omanization are a step towards that. Over the recent years, GCC States have given top priority to diversification of economy to reduce dependence on oil and gas revenues and to promote economic growth in non-oil sectors, such as tourism, manufacturing, and technology. Places like Dubai in the GCC have raised the excellence bar in e-government. KSA, UAE, Kuwait, and Oman are actively promoting initiatives such as IKTEVA, ICV, SME Incubation and Khibrat to not only bring in protectionism but also to inculcate the entrepreneurial spirit in the grassroots of the economy.

AJMS Group has experts onboard who have rigorous experience in international development, e-government, PPP, micro business landscaping, talent development and state level ESG initiatives. Our Public Finance team has expertise in international reporting frameworks such as IPSAS, RPGs, MIX Market reporting principles and IFI program design and implementation. In fact, public sector services are embedded in our mission statement, and we have a strong track record of partnering with Ministries and government entities in carrying out such projects.

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Vivek Mundhra

Managing Partner - AJMS LG​


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